It was good to see all the team at Liberon last week for their annual Data Protection training.
Events like these always serve as a timely reminder for all businesses that data protection training for staff is a legal requirement and covers all grades of staff from the shop floor to the board room.
Next Week at 10AM and 3PM on Wednesday 13th April 2022 we will be holding a Legal Update Webinar for all SHIELD Holders regarding some of the latest news from the ICO.
The agenda will include responding to Subject Access Requests and the new AADC (or Children’s Code). The AADC must be considered by every business which sells Online whether their products are directed at Children or not. Remember, Children for these purposes means anyone under 18 years!
Members of SHIELD should email Christine at SHIELD Admin to confirm attendance.
Non Members are welcome to join us for the Webinar(s). Simply email us at to check availability and time slot.
