23rd September 2018
Several commentators have already written about the disproportionately large number of Charities and non-profit organisations that have fallen foul of the Information Commissioners Office fines compared to other types of businesses.
As a small business oriented law firm we are focussed on GDPR compliance for smaller businesses, which includes many small charitable and community based organisations.
Our primary goal is to ensure they are compliant even if they are currently not aware of their many new responsibilities.
All businesses, including charities, non-profit companies, community Interest organisations even places of worship and religious organisations must comply with GDPR and the Data Protection Act.
A recent example of a small community business taking their data protection responsibilities seriously is CliveGlen Small Dog Rescue in Staffordshire, see their website here: www.smalldogrescue.co.uk they are now fully aware of and compliant with the rules and proudly display their S.H.I.E.L.D logo on their website to prove it.
Any small charity, religious or non-profit organisations can access reduced fees for their compliance work by emailing our compliance team on gdpr@transitionlaw.com
