Traditionally, January is a big recruiting month for Business Opportunities across the UK. As a Law firm we are often asked to advise on the various opportunities available.
Whether you are interested in a Home Based Business, a Business Licence, Network Marketing or a Franchise opportunity, one of the key areas of due diligence is their attitude towards Data Protection!
Our new SHIELD Holders Graham & Lorna Carter fulfil all the criteria for compliance in their business and are keen to demonstrate this to all their business opportunity prospects using their compliant status as a marketing tool!
In any business, longevity is the issue. i.e. enough time to get your investment back (and ideally some profit!) If you intend to hand over your money, you need to know about the longevity plans for the business. Businesses without Data Protection compliance in place have little or no interest in their longevity and consequently, none in yours either!
We are always pleased to welcome new SHIELD Holders who have demonstrated their commitment to Data Protection and when they represent a Business Opportunity it is doubly pleasing.
When considering a new business, you should begin by asking questions about their compliance:
Are they registered with the Regulator? Do they have Data Protection Policies? If you are to be self-employed, will they help you with compliance for your new business or are you on your own?
Start by asking a few simple questions and protect your investment and your future in whichever new business opportunity you choose!