15th October 2018
Happy Monday Morning!
After 2 month of planning and 3 weeks of hard physical work, decorating, buying furniture and organising logistics, the office move is finally over and our new place looks amazing!
We can now officially announce that Transition Law has launched our new Head Office at 49 Broad Street in Cannock!
We now have space to support the Admin work for our favourite charitable endeavour: The CliveGlen Small Dog Rescue, more details on their website at www.smalldogrescue.co.uk
For ourselves the move will mean an increase in our small business clients, especially our GDPR workload and we are already advertising for more trainee Legal Services Sales people for those roles (No previous legal experience necessary, just call or email us at the office!)
Furthermore, we now have our our own in house training room to benefit new and existing people for both their initial and ongoing training requirement.
Also, please note that we will be operating our 'Charity Wills' program again this year to benefit our supported organisations. Two simple Wills for a couple start at just £150 with the money going to support the CliveGlen Small Dog Rescue
Please contact us at the office or check our website at www.transitionlaw.com for full details of this extremely worthy program which benefits the individuals taking up the offer as much as those that receive the funds!
Finally, notwithstanding our new office, with new paintwork and decoration and all the associated logistics and planning has arrived, to demonstrate we are maintaining the important traditions, here is our head of practice engaging in that most noble of all legal activities - a coffee break while at your desk!